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Uttar Pradesh Fertilizer Projects

Fertilizer Corp of India plans to revive Gorakhpur unit

Fertilizer Corp of India is planning to revive its fertilizer unit in Gorakpur. The plant was closed after an accident in 1990 and is being revived following an clearance of the proposal by CCEA. A team of experts is likely to visit the site soon. Further, the Hazira-Vijaypur-Jagdishpur petroleum gas pipeline is being extended upto Gorakhpur to supply gas for the fertilizer unit.

Indo Gulf Fertilizers plans brownfield expansion of Jagdishpur fertilizer complex

Indo Gulf Fertilizers Ltd is planning to implement a brownfield expansion of its Jagdishpur fertilizer complex. The project involves expanding 1910 X 1 MTPD of ammonia to 1x2200 MTPD and 1625 X2 MTPD of urea to 1x3850 MTPD of urea. It will use natural gas as feedstock. No additional land is required for the project, as there is 833 acres of land at its existing complex.

Jaypee Group forays into fertilizer business by taking over Duncan’s plant

Jaypee Group is floating a new company in the style of “Jaypee Industries and Fertiliser Ltd” to venture into fertilizer business. It has evinced interest to takeover the closed unit of Duncan’s plant in Kanpur. The plant has a capacity to manufacture 2250 tonnes of urea per day. The plant which was producing “Chaand” brand has been closed for over 3 years and many international companies have shown interest but away later due to uncertain reasons.

Urvarak Videsh Limited plans to revive HFCL Barauni unit

Urvarak Videsh Limited is planning to invest Rs. 45130 million to revive the closed unit of Hindustan Fertilizer Corporation Ltd’s Barauni unit. The project involves setting up of a new unit to manufacture Ammonia(2000 tpd), Urea of 3500 mtpd and a captive power generation unit of 25 MW. Urea plant will be equipped with deep urea Hydrolyser system and the ammonia plant to have condensate stripper for stripping and re-using of ammonia. Further progress will be seen in 2010.

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